“Only a mad man would take an annoying little Kender and cross pollinate them with the gentle soul of an Ogre. Hmmmmm.” – Baelvan

Some subjects should never be broached, some actions never taken.  The lineage of the Kenogre can quite literally be traced back to an unusual collaboration between Holymin Coollookingthingholder, a Kender Cleric, and Baelvan, an Ogre Druid.

Kenogres tend to be taller than Humans, but also more slender.  Their wiry frames are packed with strong muscles inherited from their Ogre lineage, leading most Kenogres to be lithe, lean, and bristling with power.  Despite this, they are woefully uncoordinated and known to be among the most clumsy of the races.

Kenogres share a love of trinkets and curiosities, collecting anything that catches their attention along their travels.  Their pockets can frequently be found filled with bits and baubles that may have great value or none at all…except to the Kenogre.

Kenogres are shunned by their Ogre cousins, and have great difficulty fitting in the cities and towns of Interphaze.  Young Kenogres are most often brought up in Kender society as Ogres are known to view young Kenogres as a tasty after dinner morsel. They are frequently found wandering the countryside, or traveling in troupes with their own.


Kenogres may have either Kender or Ogrish names, sometimes combining the two, depending on the parents and in which culture they were raised. Ogrish names tend toward the guttural and monosyllabic, much in the manner of Giants or Orcs.  Kenogre names tend towards the bright and cheerful.  Examples include “Bug,” “Gunt,” “Petunia,” and “Rainbow Sky.”

Racial Traits

-5 penalty to Quick saves
+5 Resist vs. Fear
-5 Resist vs. Charm/Trust effects
+5 Attack with Hoopak
+1 Damage with melee weapons
-5 Resist vs. Illusions
-1 EP to Primary Class at character creation
+1 HP at character creation

Randomized Treasure

Kenogres have such a predisposition to losing and finding items that retaining magic items is impossible (unless the item *wants* to be retained). Between Phaze events, a Kendogre loses all magic items in their possession, and they are replaced with a new set of random magical items at the beginning of the next event.

Kenogre Taunt

Casting Time: 1
Effect: Mental Influence: Cause Emotion (Anger towards Kenogre)
Range: Medium
AoE: 1 target
Duration: Encounter
Save: Acc+M vs. Res(M): Negates
Method: 1: Taunt target